About Us

About Us

We are team of Passionate Individuals with a Sole goal to revive Native Cow breeds. Our Team is led by Vijayasarathy, A techie with a good 15 years of experience in Electronics field just resigned one day & started promoting awareness about Desi cows. One fine day, he decided let’s make this as our profession & here comes the concept of Desi (A2) Cow’s milk.

Srinivasa HN, an entrepreneur, farmer, who is more of a Doer & talks less. He is the Soul of Vasundhare who has been successfully running the Operations all these days & will continue to do so.

Srivathsa HK, who looks after all the marketing parts have been actively involved with Vasundhare from past 3 years.

It’s been a roller coaster ride for all 3 of us with a single motive & goal to revive & ensure Desi Cows are part of the commercial Milk Industry. ​

We started to supply Desi cow milk way back in 2017 with just 5 litres per day to current Supplies of close to 250-300 litres per day. Our Intention is to get the best Raw Milk to Consumers directly from Gaushalas around Bangalore.

Along with this, Our Desi ghee has been an hot favourite among our patrons & we do supply A2 Ghee all across Bangalore. ​

So Far, we have helped many Goshalas who are passionate to have Desi cows by providing Fodder information, Genuineness of cow breeds & of course, buying milk from them.

Come, lets build a Healthy Society & a better future for our Future Generations.

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Vasundhare Desi Cow A2 Milk Benefits



Our Desi cows are milked in ahimsa manner without hurting the cow or its calf. We do not use growth hormone injections or antibiotics on our cows. We feed natural fodder which is chemical free and cattle feeds that are free from animal ingredients, chemicals or hormone boosters.


Our milk is Raw, Unadulterated, unprocessed from the likes of pasteurization, homogenization etc which destroy vital nutrition and increase cholesterol and Vata in the body according to Ayurveda.


Our milk is just chilled as soon it is milked and packed, to retain all its nutrition and freshness intact.


Our milk is produced and packed with hygiene.

Adulteration Tests

We conduct regular tests on our milk to check for adulterants like starch, sugar, neutralizer, preservative, urea.

Certified Test Reports from NABL Certified Labs

Our milk is certified with test reports from NABL accredited labs and they have found presence of dissolved gold in our milk.

Need our Product? Call us now..



Pure desi cow milk but unlike regular milk, it naturally contains only the easy to digest A2 protein, 100% free from the A1 protein that many people struggle to digest. Gir Cow A2 Milk comes from cows with hump on back, they naturally produce only A2 protein beneficial and not A1 – and that makes all the difference

Cow milk fat contains a coloring pigment called Beta-carotene (a carotenoid which is precursor of vitamin-A)

Milk is fresh, mild sweet, light cream, medium thick with 0.5mm malai, no visible particles, no adverse smells and the curd is pleasing sour.

SNF: 8.5% minimum and Fat: 3.5% minimum

*Note: SNF means Milk Solids-not-Fat comprising protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc in milk other than milk fat. Ideal quality of milk should be based on SNF. That is where nutrition comes from.

None of the above, we just supply plain raw milk as we receive.

Vasundhare A2 Milk is whole milk.

*Note: Whole milk is milk from which no constituents such as unsaturated fats and other essential minerals have been removed. It containing all its constituents as received from the cow

You can either boil the milk or store it in your refrigerator, between 0 and 4 degrees. Kindly adjust your refrigerator temperature as per the weather as and when needed. It can last up to 7 days if kept in deep freezer.

Just like us humans, cows also change their diet based on seasons. This has a direct effect on the color and consistency of milk. We therefore do not promise you similar looking milk all 12 months.
“We consume whatever the cow decides to eat”

Yes, the milk can be used to make any of the by-products. Make some homemade Rosagullas using the milk. You will love them!